TotalSanitation Campaign
Access to clean sanitation facilities is a fundamental human right and plays a vital role in promoting public health, preventing diseases, and ensuring the dignity and well-being of individuals.
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View AllBuilding healthy communities begins with embracing the practice of clean living and prioritizing sanitation. Sanitation plays a vital role in safeguarding public health, promoting well-being, and creating an environment where individuals can thrive.
Raised : $5488 Goal : $12800
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View AllIt is with great enthusiasm that I address you today, emphasizing the importance of building a Clean and Open Defecation-Free India. Our collective efforts towards achieving this goal have the potential to transform our nation and improve the lives of millions.
Know MoreI want to take a moment to invite each and every one of you to join the Total Sanitation Campaign for a Cleaner Tomorrow. This campaign presents a remarkable opportunity for us to make a tangible difference in our communities and create a healthier.
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